Mixpre 的零碎紀錄 Notes on Mixpre



mixpre 可以連接 3.5 mm 的線路輸入,有一箇妙用是電腦內錄,有什麼下載不了的音頻就可以用錄音機錄。經測試,MacBook Pro 2015 的耳放底噪是 -62 dB。


終於知道為什麼莫名其妙多了兩軌,原來是最後的 mix 也加進來了。不知道怎麼設置讓他不要加 mix

Let’s say you only want to record one channel and not the mix. There’s an option to turn off the mix. Menu>Record>Rec L,R> Off. 

隨之而來的問題是,把 record 裏面的 L&R 取消以後,監聽就沒聲音了。辦法:把 1、3 分別設置成連結 2、4。耳機裏面 solo 選項,mono 換成 multiple,然後,分別按 1、3 的 solo,就能聽到四個聲道了。

如果是監聽 Solo,Ring LED 就會一直閃紅燈。


作爲外接聲卡時,要注意一箇設置,system ─ USB audio,若選 normal,則作爲聲卡連接後,輸入輸出都可以;若選 stereo out,則只能作爲輸入。實在不懂這箇設置有啥用,明明在電腦上都可以完成。然後要注意把耳機選成 USB 1,2。





電池倉用的四節 5 號電池,用一般品牌的鎳氫充電電池,差不多續航半箇小時。錄音機實在是電老虎,電池只能用來作爲應急保護。主要供電還是靠充電寶,2 萬毫安的充電寶可以用五六箇小時。加上電池,足夠一天的用量了。


USB A 口:可以接時碼、鍵盤,還有重要功能:

The input allows for auto-copying of files from the SD card to a USB thumb drive. It acts as a dual card slot. After hitting stop on a recording, the file will automatically back up to the thumb drive. The record button will flash red until the process is complete. Auto-copy can be temporarily stopped on long transfers by hitting the stop key.


On the MixPre-3 II, the left side has two balanced XLR inputs with Neutrik connector (NC3FAAH1). Note these are not combo XLR / 1/4” inputs. To use 1/4" connectors you’ll need adapters or consider the MixPre-6 II or -10 II which do have the combo inputs. When asking Sound Devices why the MixPre-3 doesn’t have combo inputs, Paul Isaacs, the Director of Product Management and Design, said, “We wanted to keep the MixPre-3 and MixPre-3 II as small and portable as possible. Combo jacks take up more internal room in the unit."

MixPre-3 只能接 XLR,6 和 10 都可以接 TRS。原因是要節省空間。

auto-copy,U 盤插進去後,會格式化,纔能拷貝。速度挺慢的。