在儀徵與揚州交界的田野。有一些在路上,有一些下到田裏面,距離聲源大槩 2 米。辳邨眞是太安靜了,一點嘈雜的聲音都沒有。遠處有鐵路橋,不時有火車開過,有些想去錄。九點還有寺廟的鐘聲,但很遠,不知從哪發出來的,下次去的時候一定要找到。
Location: a field in the border of Yizheng and Yangzhou. Some were on the road, some were down to the field, and the sound source is about 2 meters away. The countryside was too quiet, there was no any noise. There were railway bridges in the distance. From time to time, there were trains passing by, and I want to record, a little. There were temple bells at nine o’clock, but very far away.
- 蟲鳴
- 加入了高頻的蟲鳴
- 蛙聲逐漸起來,達到高潮
- 單獨的蛙聲
- insects
- high-frequency insects added
- frog sound gradually reaching a climax
- separate frog sound