嘴皮發出的奇妙聲響 Wonderful sound of mouth



某日午睡醒了之後發現嘴皮能發出奇怪的口哨聲,就用手機錄下來了。有一箇頻率很高的片段,看了下頻譜,基頻是 3—4 kHz,絕了。手機錄的,原始格式是 22khz,音質很渣。

When I woke up one afternoon, I found that my mouth could make a strange whistle, and I recorded it on my mobile phone. There is a very high frequency segment. The spectrum shows the fundamental frequency is 3-4 kHz. The original format of the mobile phone is 22kHz, and the sound quality is terrible.


  • 噗!噗噗⋯⋯噗。