六月八日高考結束 End of the college entrance examination



事件:高考英語考完之後,地點:N 大三附中考點。

Event: after the college entrance examination(English). Location: the third affiliated secondary school.


時閒快到了,家長越來越多。考生出來後,各種照相的。人全部走了,工作人員拆大門的橫幅、考場圖,還有零星的幾箇考生家長在聊天。7 分多鐘的汽車聲,是警車開走了。

Time was up, more and more parents were coming. After the students came out, all the people were taking photos. Later, All have gone. The staff took off the door banner and the examination room map. A few parents were chatting.