氫能源汽車排氣 Hydrogen energy bus releasing gas



非常有意思,聲音是全頻的,從最低頻一直到 20khz 以上都有。所以對於這些聲音,要用能錄超聲波的麥克風才能完整捕捉(如 Sony C100)。音量非常大,至少 80dB,在旁邊耳朵都快聾了。

The piece has full frequency, from the lowest frequency up to more than 20khz. So for these sounds, you may use a microphone which can capture ultrasonic waves to record it completely (such as Sony C100). The volume is very high, at least 80dB, and my ears felt uncomfortable.



There is a sudden decrease in the sound. A man was walking by at the moment. I didn’t expect bodies to block the sound so effectively.