畢業生跳蚤市場 Undergraduate graduate flea market

2015 級本科畢業生跳蚤市場。北京的天氣慘無人道,雖然是九十點鐘,依然被曬得要死。


2015 級本科畢業生跳蚤市場,一共兩天,我在兩箇上午各錄了半小時。北京的天氣慘無人道,雖然是九十點鐘,依然被曬得要死。下午我們守攤,小風扇已經沒有任何用處了。又發現只要鋪子上一直有人,生意做著就會有意思,我媽說的沒錯。一箇很藝術笵的哥子:「同學你是學錄音的嗎」「啊,我學歷史的」「哦哦,我學攝影的,我們加箇微信吧,有什麼好東西可以分享一下。」地上一隻斑衣蠟蟬若蟲,一直圍著我,還爬腳上,嚇死了,還能跳老遠。

現在的處理流程:批處理削弱 125hz 以下低頻、標準化到 -3db;然後挨箇聽每段材料,沒用的翦掉或刪掉;多軌混音,組織起大框架;調整每段之間的銜接方式;平均電平。這樣一共至少要聽四徧。關於音量,有些人遠一些,說話聲音很小,有些近一點音量很大,對於這種情況,一部分我會用「語音音量級別」平均到統一的水平,另一部分我會照舊不動,以體現空閒關係。

The graduates flea market. The weather in Beijing is inhuman. Although it was nine o’clock, it was still hot to die.

The process: weaken the low frequency below 125hz by batch processing, normalize to -3db; then listen1 to each piece of material, delete or cut the useless ones; multi-track mixing, organize a large frame; adjust the connection between each segment; average sond level. In this way, you have to listen1 at least four times. Regarding the volume, some people are farther away, the voice is very small, and some of them are very loud. In this case, I will use the «voice volume level» to average to a uniform level. The other part will remain the original to reflect the spatial relationship.



The original material of the flea market seems to have no logical connection. I still divide it into two parts. The first part is selling sound, and then the bargain. At the beginning and end are the bonus scenes.