臺南十二月二十四日 Tainan on December 24



聖誕節那天臺南的人們。人生第一箇錄音作品,大部分用 Zoom H2N 錄的,第一次感受到它的威力,感覺比用耳朵聽還淸楚,各種聲音都能辨別出來,㝡後的鼓掌歡呼聲竟然跟那些演唱會 live 沒啥兩樣,很是驚喜。

People in Tainan on Christmas Day. The first recording of life. Most of them recorded with Zoom H2N. Felt the power of it, it feels more difficult than neteaseing to the ear, all kinds of sounds can be discerned. Surprised.


由三條線構成:傳統—西方—戒嚴時期,展現平安夜臺南各種文化的神奇交匯。但素材不夠,內容還不夠豐富,以後吸取經驗了,要廣泛搜集素材。(最巧的是 3:47 左右那箇唱跑調的小朋友的頻率和後面嗩吶的頻率竟然蜜汁接近,前後竟然可以完美融合!)。

The recording consists of three lines: the traditional, Western, and martial law period. It reveals the magical convergence of various cultures in Tainan on Christmas Eve. However, the material is not sufficient, the content is not rich enough. I learn the experience that it is necessary to collect materials extensively. (Occasionally, the frequency of the child’s singing around 3:47 and the frequency of the back Suona are tremendously close.)
